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ISO 22000 - Ensuring Excellence in Food Safety Management

Comprehensive guidelines for food safety assurance, meeting global standards for food quality and safety management.

ISO 22000 establishes a comprehensive framework for managing food safety.

It's designed to reduce risks and minimize hazards throughout the entire food supply chain, ensuring the delivery of food that is safe for consumption.

This standard integrates principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and is applicable to all organizations in the food chain, from farm to fork. By adhering to ISO 22000, businesses not only enhance food safety but also demonstrate their commitment to producing and handling food responsibly.

Gain a competitive edge with ISO 22000 - Food safety management systems

Give your suppliers, customers, and stakeholders confidence in your food safety management controls with ISO 22000.

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    Embed guidelines for a systematic approach to managing food safety.

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    Minimize food safety hazards at each step of the food supply chain.

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    Integrate Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point principles.

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    Ensure that food is safe for consumption, enhancing consumer trust.

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    Demonstrates your organization's dedication to responsible food handling and production practices.

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    Designed for all entities in the food chain, from the point of production to final consumption.


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Your trusted food safety partner

Ensure a successful ISO 22000 journey with expert guidance, support in implementation, certification audits, and training.

Benefit from a dedicated Client Manager, an industry-experienced expert, who will steer your certification process, complemented by continuous support and training.

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