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two women watering a rooftop garden with solar panels
About Us

Accelerating Progress Towards a Sustainable World

Sustainability in our own operations is important to us, we need to walk the talk, demonstrate integrity and engender trust.

Our sustainability commitment

Sustainability is both a guiding principle and a central focus for us, embedded into the very fabric of our organization.

Upholding our Royal Charter, we've always been dedicated to positively impacting people and the planet. We aim to be a sustainability leader, using our own sustainability-centric standards and solutions where possible. We're also committed to achieving an ambitious Net Zero 2030 target in our own operations.

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Sustainability at the heart of everything

Sustainability touches every aspect of how an organization operates, from facilities management to human resources – and everything in between.

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Sharing the global sustainability drive

We actively support global sustainability goals and initiatives that accelerate progress towards a sustainable world.

With sustainability at the core of our purpose, we are a participant of the UN Global Compact sustainability network and aim to integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our strategy and implementation.

Net Zero

Helping organizations to reach achievable targets though the Net Zero pathway

To facilitate a more efficient path towards our target, BSI is prioritizing implementing and seeking certification to BSI’s Net Zero Pathway, based on ISO14064-1 and ISO IWA 42 – Net Zero Guidelines.

The Net Zero Pathway is aligned with climate science and is designed to provide rigorous guidance on the setting of sector-specific science-based pathways. It is intended to enable organizations set science-aligned, ambitious, and achievable targets, and then take the necessary next actions of designing and deploying impactful Greenhouse Gases reduction initiatives.

Sustainability Leadership

We model, lead and engage on sustainability and develop and embed standards rooted in it.

Net Zero

Our Net Zero commitment

We are committed to Net Zero in our own operations by 2030.

Sustainability Goals

Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals

We support sustainability initiatives like the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Standards and best practice

We publish a range of standards around sustainability rooted in insights and best practices.

Partners in Progress

Partnerships and collaboration

We aim to support sustainable development through collaboration and partnership.

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Learn how to take action on sustainability at the heart of your operations

Reach out and see how we can help guide you on your path to sustainable operational success.

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