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We're leading a standards programme for safe deployment of self-driving vehicles, backed by the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV).
Report: Standardizing automated vehicle minimal risk events.
View and DownloadNavigate the CAM standards landscape with our roadmap.
View the RoadmapWhite paper: A review of the UK’s legislation and good practice for connected and automated vehicles.
View and DownloadReport: Standardizing remote operation of on-road vehicles.
View and DownloadReport: Review of CAV safety benchmarking and proposal for a “Digital Commentary Driving” technique.
View and DownloadVideo: Innovators and local authorities discuss how our CAM standards supported their achievements.
Watch the VideoWe are working with stakeholders from across the connected and automated mobility ecosystem to create a suite of free to download standards.
Get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions for the Connected and Automated Mobility Standards Programme.