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System Certification - ResponsibleSteel™ Certification
System Certification

ResponsibleSteel™ Certification

Promoting a global move towards responsibly sourced and produced steel.

ResponsibleSteel™ is the steel industry’s first global standard and certification initiative – created to enhance responsible sourcing, production, use and recycling

It includes sustainability performance standards and a certification programme to support the sector in making the necessary changes for long-term success.

Certification enables organizations in the construction, infrastructure and sustainability industries to demonstrate their responsible steel credentials to customers and stakeholders.

Shaping steel's low-carbon future

Contribute meaningfully to the built environment's long-term goal to reduce GHG emissions using responsibly sourced materials.

man climbing on ladder
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    Meet the sustainability needs of your customers.

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    Reduce risk in the steel supply chain.

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    Develop operational efficiencies and reduce GHG emissions.

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    Promote steel as a responsible material.

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