Becoming a Kitemark Licensee
By becoming a Kitemark licensee, you are demonstrating your commitment to delivering consistent quality to your customers and your business. The renowned integrity and quality of the Kitemark means that the process rigorous. However, we are here to help you at every stage.
Key steps to applying
- Select the appropriate Kitemark scheme
- Request a quotation
- Submit an application (online or by post)
- Initial product/service testing
- Initial site assessment
- Kitemark License issued
- Kitemark symbol can be used on your product & marketing material
Whats included in the Kitemark package?
- BSI's license or permission to use the Kitemark word and logo in association with your Kitemark product or service.
- Kitemark Marketing Tool Kit with CD of logos.
- Automatic directory listing in the consumer web portal
- Option for a press release by our PR agency