Southco Manufacturing and Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Business scope: The company was founded in 1899, as a specialty pipe manufacturer for the burgeoning Pennsylvania oil industry. In 1945, Southco, Inc. was created with the entry into the specialty fastener and latch business. Over the past 70 years, we have transformed and grown through innovation, strategic acquisitions and overseas investments into a global leader in Engineered Access Hardware. Southco solutions are a key part of products you and thousands of others interact with every day. Our engineered access hardware solutions include key ""touch points"" such as locks, latches, captive fasteners, hinges, handles and other innovative products. Our application universe is immense and covers industries such as marine, automotive, off-highway/construction, RV/caravan, industrial machinery, enclosures, HVAC, medical equipment and network, telecommunications and computers. For more than 100 years Southco has helped customers solve and overcome engineering challenges. Our passion, vision and focus today, is to help customers differentiate the engineered ""touch points"" of their products so they become easier to sell and use by the end users. We strive to realize this vision by investing in a strong technical sales and marketing team backed by engineering and operational excellence. Southco is an industry leader of today and prepared for the possibilities of tomorrow. / 公司于1899年在美国宾夕法尼亚州成立为一家专业石油管道制造商,在1945年成立Southco, Inc. 发展紧固件和门锁业务。在过去60多年索斯科通过自主创新、战略收购以及海外投资成为当今全球领先的工程进入解决方案供应商。 索斯科工程进入解决方案帮助人们实现了日常生活中与各种产品互动的可能。这些解决方案包括门锁、紧固件、电子进入解决方案、铰链/定位控制及各类关键“触点”等的创新产品。 我们产品应用领域极为广泛,覆盖的行业包括船舶、汽车、工程机械/建筑、大篷车、工业机械设备、机柜、暖通空调、医疗器械和网络、电信和计算机等。 一个多世纪以来,索斯科致力于帮助客户解决和克服无数的挑战。今天,我们仍旧延续这份愿景和热忱,专注于帮助客户实现拥有独具特色的工程“触点”的产品,从而改进终端用户的使用体验以及提升客户产品在市场的竞争优势。为了实现这一愿景,我们投放各方面资源以建立一个强大的技术销售和营销团队并同时确保卓越的工程研发和运营能力作为后盾。 作为行业领先企业,索斯科时刻了解行业市场发展趋势,洞察市场动态,把握先机。
Products, services or works: Access control hardware / 接入控制构件