How to maintain your certification

To experience the long term benefits that management system standards bring, you need to focus on making compliance to a standard an ongoing habit. It’s not enough to get successfully certified and then expect your organization to keep performing and remain resilient in today’s changing environment.

We’ll carry out annual compliance checks, so you’ll know if you’ve maintained the same high standards – but don’t let your audit visits be the reason you review your system or make improvements. With a robust approach that becomes part of how you do business, you’ll see real benefits and enhance your organization’s resilience.

How can BSI help you make excellence a habit?

  • You can use our BSI Connect Portal to better manage performance across sites and certificates
  • Use our award winning compliance software
  • Train your staff to meet your standards.
  • Give key staff refresher training to revive their passion for improved performance.
  • Access our full range of guidance documents to cover any question you have as you move forward.
  • Receive newsletters to keep you up to date with standards and management systems.
  • Contact our experts if you need specialist advice – an invaluable resource.

The key is embedding best practice into your organization so you perform better and build resilience.