BIM Client case studies

Trusted partners with thousands of organizations

We work with organizations both large and small across all industry sectors to help implement standards of excellence so that you can perform better, reduce risk and achieve sustainable growth. Here's a selection of clients we've worked with and the benefits they've gained.


Matt Crunden talks about why Legrand wanted the Kitemark for BIM Objects and how it impacted them as a business. 

BAM Ireland

Learn how BIM is driving efficiency within BAM Ireland, and how BSI Kitemark™ for Design and Construction is delivering value for BAM and its supply chain.


Mark Whittaker and Steve Skeldon share their thoughts on the Kitemark for BIM Objects and how they found their certification journey with BSI.


Listen to Navil Shetty and Neil Thompson of Atkins talk about their experience in gaining the BIM Asset Management Kitemark, how they found the process and why they felt it was important for their organization. 

Learn more about Building Information Modeling (BIM)