BSI Unannounced Audits - Frequently Asked Questions

Enews - 18 March 2014


BSI Unannounced Audits FAQs

Following the publication of the EU Commission Recommendation (2013/473/EU) in September 2013 we have been working hard to plan and develop our systems and processes so that we are able to deliver unannounced audits to you and our other clients.

To help and assist in the understanding of this Recommendation which has obligations for both the Notified Bodies and also manufacturers we delivered a webinar on the 11th February 2014. If you missed this webinar you can view the slides and hear the recording by visiting our website and registering.

If you have not listened to the webinar we would encourage you to do so as it provides a more detailed explanation of the Recommendation requirements and obligations.

We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), some of these questions arising directly from the participants in the webinar, to help provide you with a better understanding of the requirements. Please visit our website to read the FAQs. Should you have any questions please contact your Scheme Manager.

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