
News: 26 2021年5月26日

2021年4月1日、欧州委員会(EC)は、医療機器規則(MDR EU 2017/745)のArticle 54で規定された活動に関連するコンサルテーション(CECP: 臨床評価コンサルテーション手順)を提供するために、専門家パネルを立ち上げました。

医薬品の投与または除去(ARMS)を目的としたクラス III 埋込型およびクラス IIb のRule 12 能動医療機器は、CECPの対象となる場合があります。このプロセスの例外は、Article 54のParagraph 2に記載されています。MDRの要求事項を超えるレガシーデバイスへの変更は、CECPの対象となります。


Rule 12 クラス IIb 能動ARMS機器の製造業者は、ジェネリックデバイスグループ(訳注:定義については、MDR第2条(7)Generic device groupをご参照ください)のすべての機器がCECPを受けなければならない可能性がありますので、ご注意ください。総称的機器グループの代表機器に選ばれていなくても、CECPが必要かどうかを確認するために、技術文書、特に臨床評価の部分的な審査が行われます。この点については、MDCG 2019-13をご参照ください。



  • 臨床評価審査報告書(CEAR)*
  • 臨床評価報告書(CEP)
  • 臨床評価計画
  • 市販後臨床フォローアップ(PMCF)計画
  • 市販後臨床フォローアップ(PMCF)評価報告書(該当する場合)







1) セキュリティマーク:機密性は高いが機密扱いではない情報であることを示すSENSITIVE

2) 配布マーク:正規受取人に限定することを示す RELEASABLE TO: EXPERT PANELS (EXPAMED)

  • セキュリティマークは、字体Times New Roman、フォントサイズ 14、太字の大文字に統一しなければなりません。
  • 配布マークは、セキュリティマークの次の行に記載し、字体 Times New Roman、フォントサイズ 14、イタリック体で表示しなければなりません。

例が以下に示されています(D5.2 v1.1 Instructions for Notified Bodies, EU 2021)。



PMCF計画、および該当する場合、PMCF評価報告書は、EU委員会が提供するテンプレートに従わなければなりません。テンプレートを使用することで、専門家パネルが文書内で関連情報を見つけやすくなります。テンプレートは こちらからダウンロード 可能です。

  • MDCG 2020-7では、PMCF計画のテンプレートを提供しています。
  • MDCG 2020-8では、PMCF評価報告書のテンプレートを提供しています(該当する場合)。






CECP process


【フェーズ1】 - 審査会 - 専門家パネルが専門的なオピニオンを提供する意思があるかどうかを決定する


【フェーズ2】 - 専門家パネルオピニオン





CECPの対象となる可能性のある機器の文書をマークアップする際の製造業者への支援を目的とし、BSI Technical Documentation Completeness Checklistが現在更新されています。

EU専門家パネルの詳細、およびオピニオンが必要かどうかの判断基準については、欧州委員会のWebページをご参照ください。 European Commission web page






On 1 April 2021, the European Commission (EC) launched  its Expert Panels to provide consultation in relation to activities defined in Article 54 of the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR EU 2017/745), also known as the Clinical Evaluation Consultation Procedure (CECP).

Class III Implantable and Class IIb Rule 12 active devices intended to Administer or Remove a Medicinal Substance (ARMS) may be subject to CECP. Exemptions to this process are listed in Article 54, Paragraph 2. Modifications to legacy devices that go beyond the requirements of the MDR will be subject to CECP.

In the absence of EUDAMED, the EC has made available an alternative mechanism via the CIRCABC platform for conducting the CECP process.

Manufacturers of Rule 12 Class IIb  active ARMS devices should be aware that all devices in the generic device group may have to undergo CECP. There will be a partial review of the Technical Documentation, particularly the clinical evaluation, even if the device hasn’t been chosen as a representative device for the generic device group to confirm if CECP is required. Please refer to MDCG 2019-13 for further guidance on this aspect.

Required Documentation

For those medical devices that will be sent for the consultation procedure, the following documentation is required to be submitted for consultation:

  • The Clinical Evaluation Assessment Report (CEAR)*
  • The Clinical Evaluation Report (CER)
  • The Clinical Evaluation Plan
  • The Post Market Clinical Follow Up (PMCF) Plan
  • The Post Market Clinical Follow Up (PMCF) Evaluation Report (where applicable)

*Please note that the CEAR is created as part of the notified body’s conformity assessment and is not part of the manufacturer’s Technical Documentation.

It is important to note that the notified body can only submit the documents listed above. If, during the conformity assessment process, it is identified that the Technical Documentation requires an update of information (e.g. the CER), this must be completed before submission for CECP.

Document Markings

At the instruction of the EU Commission, the notified body must ensure that the documentation to be shared with expert panels is appropriately marked.

Please ensure that each of your documents specified above for panel submission has the following two markings on the front page:

1) A security marking: SENSITIVE to indicate that the information is Sensitive Non-Classified

2) A distribution marking: RELEASABLE TO: EXPERT PANELS (EXPAMED) to indicate restrictions on the authorized recipients.

  • The security marking must be in Times New Roman, font size 14, bold, and capital letters.
  • The distribution marking must be provided in the next line following the security marking and                       printed in Times New Roman, 14, italics.

An example is given below (D5.2 v1.1 Instructions for Notified Bodies, EU 2021).



PMCF Plan and Evaluation Report Templates

The PMCF Plan and, where applicable, PMCF Evaluation Report, should follow the templates provided by the EU Commission.
The templates will allow the expert panels to navigate the documents to locate the relevant information. These templates can be downloaded here:

  • MDCG 2020-7 provides the template for PMCF Plan
  • MDCG 2020-8 provides the template for the PMCF Evaluation Report (where applicable)

Please note: if alternative templates are used, the screening panels at the EU Commission may reject the submission. Please ensure all headings and information in your PMCF Plan and PMCF Evaluation Report align with the MDCG guidance documents.

The  CECP Process

The CECP process can only be initiated when all other consultations, if applicable (e.g. medicinal), are complete.

The CECP process will go through two phases:

CECP process

Phase 1 – Screening Panel – To decide whether the Expert Panel intends to provide an expert opinion

Phase 1 is expected to take 21 days. During this stage, the screening panel will evaluate the documentation
to determine whether or not to provide a scientific opinion. Devices that are determined to meet the criteria
will be subject to Phase 2. If the screening panel choose not to provide an opinion, the notified body can go ahead with its usual certification procedures.

Phase 2 – Expert Panel Opinion

Phase 2 is expected to take a further 39 days. During this stage, a group of expert panellists in the relevant medical discipline will deliver their opinion to the notified body. The notified body will consider the opinion of the Expert Panel as part of its final evaluation, which may lead to further actions. The notified body may not have the opportunity to answer questions or clarify areas to the Expert Panels, and therefore it is critical that manufacturers adhere to the guidance provided.

Further Information

A BSI Technical Documentation Completeness Checklist is currently being updated to assist manufacturers in marking up documents for those devices potentially subject to CECP.

Further information about the EU  Expert Panels and the decision criteria on whether an opinion will be required is available on the European Commission web page.