Board committees

Audit and risk committee

The committee is responsible for the financial governance of the Group, recommending the appointment of auditors, reviewing the annual financial results, considering matters raised by the auditors and overseeing the internal control system operated by BSI Group.

The committee comprises Douglas Hurt (Chair), John Hirst (BSI's Chair) as well as Ian Lobley, and Alison Wood (Non-Executive Directors); with BSI's Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer in attendance as appropriate.

Remuneration committee

The committee is responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions of employment of executive directors including the provision of incentives and performance related benefits. The committee comprises Alison Wood (Chair), Douglas Hurt and Stephen Page; with the Chief Executive in attendance as appropriate.

Nominations committee

The committee is responsible for the selection and recommendation of the appointment of all directors to the Board.

The committee comprises John Hirst (Chair), Douglas Hurt, Ian Lobley, Stephen Page, Alison Wood (Non-Executive Directors) and the Chief Executive.

Sustainability committee

The committee is responsible for enhancing BSI Group’s attention to sustainability.

The committee comprises Stephen Page (Chair), John Hirst (BSI's Chair) and the Chief Executive.

Standards policy and strategy committee (SPSC)

The main objectives of the committee are to be a focal point for the views of all stakeholders in the work of BSI in its role as the UK’s national standards body, and to inform and assist the development of BSI’s strategic direction and policy for national, European and international standards.