ISO 45001:2018 Strategic Approach to Risk-Based Thinking Training Course

ISO 45001:2018 standard was published to supersede the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard. In this new standard, it embraces new concepts such as Plan-Do-Check-Act, worker participation and consultation, and risk-based thinking.

A well-designed Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Management System has to address its risks and opportunities.  These may arise from the organization’s hazards, legal and other requirements or from other issues relating to the organization’s context.  An organization’s system although based on the common ISO 45001 standard may differ from others due to its risks and opportunities. Therefore, understanding risk-based thinking is crucial so that actions required can be integrated into the organization’s processes for them to function as an effective coherent system.

This training course is specially designed to provide understanding of risk-based thinking. Practical activities are incorporated into this training to translate this concept into a structured methodology that will assist organizations to address the strategic development of the system.

How will I benefit?

  • Have a good understanding of the importance of understanding the context of the organization
  • Understand how to address risk-based thinking and incorporating it into the organization’s system
  • Gain a practical approach in developing an OH&S Management System in a structured manner

Schulung im Seminarraum: Bereit, wenn Sie es sind.
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