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    BIM Asset Information Practitioner

    BIM Asset Information Practitioner

    Level Specialist Duration 3 days
    Available to book: Virtual classroom Contact us for booking
    BSI Qualifications Guide

    Download BSI Qualifications guide for more information.

    Take the first step on your BIM Asset Information qualification pathway. This Practitioner qualification is comprehensive and will give you all the tools and techniques you need to succeed in BIM Asset Information. Expert BSI trainers will guide you through the relevant standards and ways of working to ensure your understanding of information exchanges, the roles and responsibilities involved in information quality, and how to use standards and delivery documentation.

    This qualification is for design and construction asset managers, anyone adopting BIM implementation into their organization and practices or those supporting their supply chains, and anyone with some knowledge of collaborative BIM.

    How will I benefit?

    • Acquire the comprehensive range of skills, tools and techniques you need to become a qualified practitioner
    • Understand related information management roles, responsibilities and processes
    • Understand the importance and application of information quality
    • Gain formal recognition of your knowledge with an internationally recognized BSI certificate and Mark of Trust
    • Continue your career progression and development within your role
    • Join a global community of qualified professionals to share experiences and practical advice to use in your everyday life

    • BIM Asset Information Practitioner includes:

      BIM Fundamentals (8 hours eLearning)

      • The basic principles of BIM, terminology relating to BIM, and why BIM is important
      • The terms ‘BIM according to ISO 19650’ and ‘UK BIM implementation’
      • The value of information through all stages of a project and asset lifecycle
      • Why BIM is a determining factor for delivering projects on time and without waste and inefficiencies
      • Demonstrate the ability to use the standards that support ‘UK BIM implementation’
      • Gain a general understanding of the ‘Information Delivery Cycle’ as outlined in ISO 19650-1 

      BIM ISO 19650-3: Information Management in the Operational Phase of the Assets (1 day classroom – in-person or virtual)

      • Understand how key ISO 19650 asset information management processes are applied during the operational phase of an asset’s lifecycle
      • Learn to formulate information requirements for the operational phase of an asset
      • Understand how asset information is delivered and reviewed through CDE processes
      • How asset management information (ISO 19650-3) and project delivery information (ISO 19650-2) can be managed in parallel

      BIM ISO 19650 Part 4: Information Exchange (1 day classroom – in-person or virtual)

      • How to use ISO 19650 Part 4 for information requirements and delivery documentation
      • Understand the factors in choosing software, schemas and formats
      • Check information exchanges
      • Understand a specific information exchange such as handover and national conventions as examples

    • Anyone adopting BIM implementation into their organization, their own work practices, or helping their clients or supply chains to adopt it.

      Construction and asset management professionals (project managers, asset managers, designers, constructors, manufacturers, maintenance contractors, information managers).

    • BIM Quals-combined-02.jpg
      The final step on your qualification pathway is a 3-year rolling program validating practical application of skills and continuing professional development.  Applicants will complete a form and will provide an in-depth statement that requires delegates to reflect on their learning and professional experience in BIM.

      Completion of BIM Asset Information Professional qualification to apply to become Certified. Applicants will need to have at least three years’ experience in industry.

      Find out more here.

    • Each module is followed by a mandatory online multiple-choice examination. Delegates must pass the examination to be awarded the qualification.

    • BIM-Prof-combined.png
      After completing your Practitioner level qualification, why not undertake the next step and become a BIM Asset Information Professional qualification holder. The Professional step of the BIM qualification goes beyond understanding why BIM and Information Management is important in the built environment. It explores the governance associated with Information Security and teaches you how to apply Information Management principles to improve health and safety.

      Find out more here.

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