Cloud Security Training Courses

This course is now available online


BSI, in association with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has developed training courses to help service providers become better at managing the security of their cloud services. This should not only give customers of service providers confidence in their ability to deliver, it can also enhance reputation and could be an important differentiator between competitors.

Our courses cover many aspects from helping you learn how to check compliance with the CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix to helping you develop the ability to prepare for or maintain CSA’s Security Trust and Assurance Registry (STAR) certification. 

STAR is CSA’s registry that allows users to access and assess the security practices of cloud providers they currently use or are considering contracting to do business with. 

STAR Certification takes this a step further by giving service providers the ability to prove that their STAR registration has been independently checked and assessed against the new STAR Certification scheme. The maturity model checks a service provider’s security performance against the CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix to award an overall grade.  


Online training for cloud security

To help overcome challenges with travel, BSI training courses are now available online.

The same high-quality training course is led by an expert BSI tutor – delivered online to your desktop wherever you’re located.

Training courses

Introduction to the Cloud Security and CSA STAR Certification >

This one day course provides insight into the fundamentals of cloud computing, its advantages and disadvantages. It provides an insight into how CSA STAR certification can help you decide whether to outsource your services to a cloud service provider, by giving you confidence that the cloud service provider has been independently assessed by an external certification body.


1 day course│ Now available online

CSA Star Lead Auditor Training Course >

In conjunction with the CSA, BSI has developed the CSA STAR Certification scheme to measure the robustness and performance of cloud security. It gives cloud service providers the ability to prove that their registration to the Cloud Security Alliance’s (CSA’s) Security, Trust and Assurance Registry (STAR) has been independently assessed against the new CSA STAR certification maturity model.

Led by an experienced tutor, this advanced course commences with the 1 day ‘Auditing Cloud Security for CSA STAR Certification’ programme before concentrating on how a CSA STAR rating is determined using a detailed case study on day 2.


2 days course│ Now available online

CSA Star Lead Auditor On-demand Training Course >

Upon completion of this training, you will be able to:
• Define the specific control areas of the CCM and differentiate between them
• Apply the maturity model when auditing a provider's security controls
• Calculate a maturity score for each CCM control area
• Derive a provider's maturity level from the maturity scores
• Recommend STAR certification
• Explain what maturity is and how the CSA certification maturity model works


6 hours course│ Now available online