How will developing your own bespoke standard benefit your business?
If you have your own internal way of doing something – a specification, process, code of practice and so on – and you want to capture it in a rigorous, structured way, a bespoke private standard is the ideal solution.
We will work with you to create a credible private standard, and you will benefit from all the intellectual and professional discipline we bring to the development of the 1,800 British Standards, which we publish every year. Also, you will be able to use it to train new staff, capture existing knowledge, and ensure consistency.
By collaborating with us to develop a credible standard, you not only create a valuable tool to hone your internal processes and products, but also demonstrate to your customers, supply chain partners, or other stakeholders that you aspire to the highest standards and are an expert in your area. It is quick to develop – a private standard usually takes only four to six months.
Private standards can take many forms, such as specifications, management systems, codes of practice, test methods and more – wherever you requires formalising a particular process.
The process of developing the standard will be driven by your needs and priorities, and supported, enhanced and controlled by our expertise and guidelines to ensure reliability, quality and credibility. We will take your existing in-house standards, review them, and rebuild them to internationally recognised levels of quality and rigour.
The resulting standard will help you deliver consistency across the organisation, and make cost savings. It will capture knowledge in your organisation, formalise it and share it. It can push your processes so that they are more reliable and advanced than your competitors. It will help you become a leader in your field.
By letting us help you develop the standard, you make sure you do not end up reinventing the wheel, you benefit from our streamlined processes, you have our expert advice available whenever you need it, and you free up valuable in-house resource to concentrate on your core business.
What is so special about creating a private standard with BSI?
- Speed: we will deliver in four to six months.
- Professionalism: you will draw on our expertise in publishing and production, ending up with a visually attractive, professionally produced document.
- Authority: you gain credibility by associating with BSI. Ultimately a private standard can lead to a full British Standard.