Building Information Modelling (BIM) ISO 19650-3: Information Management in the Operational Phase of the Assets Training Course

BSI BIM training can help support your strategic direction, prove competency, and embed the knowledge of BIM in your organization.

Asset and facility managers, asset contractors and in-house teams responsible for aspects of maintenance will benefit from this BSI course.  It follows BIM fundamentals and provides an understanding of the information management process for asset operation.

Expert trainers take you through the BSI ISO 19650 series, in particular ISO 19650-3 and 19650-2. You will explore information management pathways, information requirements and trigger events, and learn how to establish and maintain the asset information model, combining operational and delivery phase information management using common data environment (CDE) processes.

By the end of the course, you’ll understand both owner/operator and supply-side perspectives and learn how to respond to invitations to tender or requests for service.

How will I benefit?

  • Understand the key information management processes
  • Be able to manage ISO 19650 Parts 2 and 3 in parallel
  • Recognize the role of the asset information model and the need to maintain it
  • Understand how to formulate information requirements for the operational phase of an asset
  • Gain an internationally recognized BSI certificate

Schulung im Seminarraum: Bereit, wenn Sie es sind.
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