ISO 50001:2018 Requirements Training Course

This one-day ISO 50001:2018 requirements course uses an activity-based, delegate-centred approach. This helps you share energy management experiences and knowledge with other attendees, bringing the information presented alive to improve retention and support your implementation process when you return to work.

With the full support of a world-class BSI tutor, you’ll learn about ISO 50001, common terms and definitions in the standard as well as the key concepts and requirements related to ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management Systems (EnMS).

By attending this course in the classroom or via our live online training, you’ll be guided by an expert BSI tutor and can interact with like-minded peers from other organizations. This provides a safe environment to ask questions to help embed your knowledge. You’ll also benefit from our accelerated-learning techniques, helping you put your new skills into action.

How will I benefit?

This course will help you:

  • Understand and explain the importance and benefits of having an effective energy management system in place
  • Develop and implement an EnMS that allows your organization to continually improve how it uses energy
  • Manage energy consumption and efficiency for your organization
  • Understand how energy performance is a key element of an organization’s performance and the benefits of integrating your EnMS  with your organization’s overall strategy
  • Motivate your colleagues as well as engage their commitment and cooperation as you implement and maintain the system
  • Inform your senior management team of the requirements of the standard, help them decide on next steps and provide guidance on implementation decisions and auditing requirements
  • Recognize the important role that energy management systems have in accelerating climate change action in support of United Nations climate change agreements
  • Support your organization in recognizing corporate social responsibility, sustainability and governance initiatives as well as protect its brand and reputation
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Schulung im Seminarraum: Bereit, wenn Sie es sind.
Wenn Sie wieder bereit für eine Präsenzschulung sind, sind wir bereit, Sie zu empfangen.

Wir möchten Ihnen versichern, dass unser Schulungsteam in Zusammenarbeit mit den Veranstaltungsorten und den Tutoren Vorkehrungen getroffen hat, um Ihre Gesundheit zu schützen. Da wir uns alle auf eine größere Reise- und Veranstaltungsfreiheit einstellen. An unseren sorgfältig ausgewählten Schulungsorten werden weiterhin Verfahren zur sozialen Distanzierung umgesetzt, mit leicht zugänglichen Desinfektionsständern an stark frequentierten Stellen und strengen Reinigungsmaßnahmen. Damit Sie sich während Ihrer Zeit am Schulungsort keine Sorgen machen müssen.

Wenn Sie Fragen zur Buchung einer Präsenzschulung haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns direkt.