Product certification and testing – service update

Although we continue to deliver services to test and certify products to help ensure they are safe, secure and trusted, all colleagues who can work from home are doing so. In order to keep our people and their families safe some of our services are currently operating differently. We are continually monitoring the situation to remain resilient, ensure best practice and to follow government advice, and we will provide regular updates.


Latest service update:

Samples for testing - Hemel Hempstead: Goods inwards is open to accept product samples for testing. Loughborough: goods inwards is open to accept product samples for testing.


Testing laboratories - Hemel Hempstead: All testing is being performed with lower levels of staff to reflect current guidance regarding social distancing. PPE laboratories are currently focusing on products with a fast track service wherever possible for products associated with protection against COVID-19. Loughborough: all laboratories are currently operating with lower levels of staff to reflect current guidance regarding social distancing.


Certification work: Working from home has not interrupted our certification work. Our PPE certification team continue to prioritize products to be used in healthcare settings during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Assessments: Wherever possible we are delivering remote audits (this includes IoT and BIM), and witness testing. Each case is being reviewed separately.


Visitors to our laboratories: At this time we are unable to offer our clients the opportunity to observe their products being tested.