Below you will find all of our other cybersecurity webinars that weren't part of a series.
PCI DSS Webinar Replay
Access this webinar replay and listen to our experts discuss the requirements of the PCI DSS including how to best prepare for a compliance assessment, the challenges for PCI DSS merchants plus we look ahead to the anticipated changes with the revised standard.
The cost of DSRs: How to manage and anticipate data subject requests
Are you looking to reduce cost, time and resources associated with DSRs?
Listen to our webinar replay where our experts discuss why DSRs matter and why it is important to get the process right first time, including tips on how you can best prepare and manage your requests.
The Hybrid Office: Information Resilience in the next normal
The way we work is changing. In today’s world, the mix of both working from home and working from office will be used interchangeably, as new agile business models develop. Are you aware of potential security risks for both environments? Listen back to our virtual panel discussion where we discussed the implications, risks and information resilience techniques to sustain this new way of working, as we move to a hybrid office environment for the future.
The Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive is the first piece of EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity. It places legal obligations on providers to protect critical services by improving cybersecurity, ensuring that they are prepared to deal with the increasing volume of cyber threats. Listen to our webinar to find out who the directive applies to and how you can achieve compliance.
Achieving data resilience in an ever-evolving world
Information, in a 24/7 data world, is one of the most valuable commodities for any organization. Does your organization have the right systems, processes and protections in place to protect and maintain the resilience of its data? Listen to the webinar to find out how you can achieve data resilience in a changeable world.
Listen back to our webinar where we’ll explore findings from the 2019 State of the Phish Report by our partner, Proofpoint. It provides the data-driven intelligence you and your team need to manage end-user risk more effectively within your organization. We explore data related to tens of millions of simualted phishing emails across 16 industries.
Challenges facing CISOs today: Strengthening resilience in a digital world
The role of a chief information security office (CISO) is constantly evolving and they face numerous challenges when it comes to keeping organizations secure. From a lack of qualified professionals, budget and several cloud applications being acquired, CISOs are under increasing pressure.
Listen to this on-demand webinar to hear our experts discuss how to deal with these challenges and prepare for a rapidly evolving cloud-first world.
Information and Cyber Challenges in the Public Sector survey
Data resilience and information management. Not just ‘techie’ buzz words only of interest to IT departments, but subjects that now encompass all aspects of any organization that handles data in some form or another.
This webinar will discuss how prepared is the UK public sector in dealing with challenges to cybersecurity, threats to business continuity and data breaches.
One month to go - the BSI achieving compliance guide - the next 10 of the 20 steps analysed
While many organizations have already aligned processes and procedures with the GDPR, it will enforce a number of new requirements that were not applicable in the past.
This webinar will outline the second batch of 10 practical steps that you can take to ensure that your organization can adopt a defensible position and implement and maintain an effective GDPR compliance programme.
Policy compliance is an issue that extends beyond HR, IT, compliance or legal departments affecting every aspect of an organization. Ensuring your employees understand policies, are kept up-to-date and documentation is efficiently communicated is vital. Watch our webinar with privacy expert Conor Hogan for practical advice on how to strengthen the human factor.
A data-centric approach to securing cloud infrastructure can save organizations on capital expenditure and time required to manage traditional infrastructure whilst reducing the risks of potential data breaches. Watch our webinar for practical tips and advice with Stephen Bowes, Head of Technology.
“On this webinar we will provide you with some background and tips to filter through the noise and find what you are really looking for in the most efficient manner."
Some points to cover; identifying data within an organization; preserving data paper, scans and the dealing with physical documents; and document culling techniques (e.g. Analytics, domains, etc.).