Building Information Modelling (BIM) ISO 19650-3: Information Management in the Operational Phase of the Assets Training Course

This course aims to give building/infrastructure asset owners/operators, information managers and contractors working to BIM Level 2 a detailed understanding of the ISO 19650-3 standard. To explain how information requirements are developed for different life-cycle events, and the different roles involved in BIM Level 2 asset information management.

This course will help you understand the asset information management processes for BIM Level 2. It follows on from the BIM Fundamentals course, where this subject is introduced. The course includes sessions on:

  • The linkage to asset management
  • How asset owners/operators set their information requirements
  • How suppliers of information (maintenance contractors, in-house teams, surveyors, engineers) respond with their information plans
  • How the Common Data Environment works in asset management
  • Roles and responsibilities in asset information management

How will I benefit?

This course will help you:

  • Understand what the PAS 1192-3 standard stays and what it means
  • Understand how the asset lifecycle triggers the need for information
  • Understand the role of the Asset Information Model and the need to maintain it
  • Develop your key information management processes in group activities