PAS 7070 Benchmarking Process Management

Organizations increasingly use benchmarking to compare their performance against that of others in the same industry. It can help you to learn from the best, give assurance that you’re capturing proven practice, or be used to demonstrate parity with sector norms or superior performance. Or if you’ve lost position in your market, benchmarking can help you find out why, and how to fix the problem. 

Who is this PAS for?

Any organization interested in benchmarking their activity.

Why should you use this PAS? 

Many good benchmarking methodologies are proprietary, which can deter some people from using them, especially those in smaller organizations and those considering the use of benchmarking for the first time. So BSI produced this document to make benchmarking more widely accessible.

It is a comprehensive specification for benchmarking process management. It can help you:

  • Examine processes and procedures to find out which could benefit from benchmarking
  • Identify other organizations that might provide proven practice
  • Analyze your own practices and performance and compare them with others
  • Decide whether organizational changes are justified, and evaluate their benefits