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    Operational Risk Management

    Operational Risk Management

    Level Understanding Duration 2 days
    Available to book: Public classroom PHP15000 Book your training now
    Available to quote: In-house Get quotation for in-house training

    In the concept of risk management, organizations normally think of events that need to be insured against, such as fires, floods, and accidents in the workplace. These kinds of events are important but are not the only kinds of risks that need to be considered when managing risk. This course aims to focus on the operational aspect of the business and the risks that goes with it.

    Operational risk management includes risks that are a part of the industry the business is in and the way in which it does business. It covers typical daily considerations that process owners have to consider in managing their decisions and strategies around work. It is also a way of managing contingencies as part of the operational controls

    • At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

      • Manage & facilitate operational risks
      • Communicate operational risks and risk treatment plans effectively to all levels in the organization
    • On completion, you will be awarded an internatoinally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.

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