Circular economy
Circular economy
Helping organizations unlock the power of sustainability and the circular economy
Helping organizations unlock the power of sustainability and the circular economy
The importance of sustainability and the circular economy has never been more pressing. Standards are at the forefront of environmental management, helping businesses save energy, save money and save the environment.
Blogs, articles and news (UK website)
What organizations should be doing now in response to climate change >
Why the liquid fuel heating standard was overhauled to reflect today’s environmental concerns >
What you need to know about the revised Legionella Risk Assessment Standard >
Green potatoes are good? >
Circular economy in the food sector >
Where does the BSI Kitemark for BIM Objects fit into the BIM jigsaw? >
Sustainability, opportunity and the circular economy >
Research and insights
Sustainable business manual >
Sustainability report: Managing sustainability challenges (UK website) >
How sustainability standards can drive business performance >
Waste prevention and the circular economy report >
Achieving Sustainability Guide (UK website) >
Smart cities: The digital solution to sustainability changes (UK website) >
Nissan: Standards in sustainability and material efficiency (UK website) >
Standards and services
Standards, training and certification.