Auditing Techniques Enhancement

Auditing, in its many forms, is a cost-effective means of improving the organisation. To be useful, audits must be performed and presented in a meaningful approach. We must work on the system as well as in the system. In order to change practices for the better, audit results must be in business terms and appeal to the interests of the various stakeholders.

A “value-adding” perspective for audits is needed. Instead of examining past conformance to requirements and regulations in minute detail, you can use current performance to project future actions. It is better to avoid dwelling on mistakes of the past. They can never be changed. A backward-looking view cannot achieve the goal of improved performance within the organization being examined.  It will only lead to resentment and fighting. This is because people are feeble to change the past. They become irritated and retaliate, usually at you. Instead, use past practices to envisage future performance, which can be changed.

Value-Added Approach” quality audits should be a combination of compliance and performance evaluations. Using defined and agreed-to measurement criteria, the audit report will tell us whether the necessary controls:

  • Exist and are Adequate.
  • Are Effectively implemented.
  • Are process Efficient in achieving desired results.

The only way to successfully meet these needs is to thoroughly prepare for the audit, conduct the evaluation with a high degree of professionalism, and present the report in terms meaningful to the intended audience. Then your customers, using the information presented by the audit report, will be able to make changes to improve future performance.