$300 billion
Estimated cybercrime damage to the economy1
Protecting networks, computers and data
Protecting networks, computers and data
As cyber-crime costs the global economy hundreds of billions of dollars per annum, BSI is doing something to counteract the threat and help you address cybersecurity.
We have invested heavily in Information Resilience, boosting our global expertise and now have a full range of solutions to support you to manage cybersecurity threats. From best practice frameworks such as ISO/IEC 27001 and cyber essentials, through to penetration testing, incident response and certified training courses we can help you meet your cybersecurity requirements.
Cybersecurity is critical to business and involves the protection of IT systems and data from cyber threats such as computer-assisted fraud, espionage, sabotage or vandalism.
As a business improvement partner we work with you to understand key business drivers and challenges. This allows us to help you select the best practice approaches that suit your organization and build greater resilience in the changing cyber landscape. From best practice management systems to testing physical infrastructure we have a range of solutions to suit your needs.