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Entrez le nom de la societe ou le numero de certificat. Resultats limites a 50 enregistrements.

1 rue de Saint Pétersbourg




Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number IS 763979 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Start date 2022-03-30 Expiry date 2025-03-29
Design and implementation, security hardening and maintenance of cloud infrastructure hosting personal health data selon le DDA V1 du 26/1/2022.
Conception, sécurisation et infogérance d’infrastructure cloud HDS. In accordance with the Statement of Applicability V1 dated 26/1/2022.
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number HDS 763980 Standard/scheme number or name HDS:2018 Start date 2022-03-30 Expiry date 2025-03-29
Design and implementation, security hardening and maintenance of cloud infrastructure hosting personal health data with coverage of SLA activities 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the HDS reference system version 1.1 (2018). The organization is certified according to ISO 27001:2013.
Conception, sécurisation et infogérance d’infrastructure cloud hébergeant des données personnelles de santé aveccouverture de l’activité ANS n°3,4,5 et 6 du système de référence HDS version 1.1 (2018). L'organisation est certifiée ISO 27001: 2013.

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