ISO 22301:2019 Requirements Training Course

ISO 22301:2019 is designed to help organizations understand, manage and reduce their risks around business continuity.

Our 1 day course will help you understand the principles of ISO 22301:2019 and the methods and techniques available to you. It will help you understand how the requirements of ISO 22301:2019 provide the basis of an effective BCMS and the roles individuals will need to play.

With the full support of a world-class BSI tutor, you’ll learn about ISO 22301:2019 common terms and definitions, as well as the key concepts and requirements.

On-demand - training that’s even more flexible

If you need to understand the requirements of a business continuity management system and are confident enough not to need tutor-led training, you can opt for an online, self-paced version of this course >

How will I benefit?

This course will help you:

  • Understand the importance and benefits of having an effective BCMS in place
  • Understand the content of ISO 22301:2019 and how it will improve your business
  • Identify and manage risks to business continuity 
  • Inspire customer and partner trust 
  • Protect your organization’s reputation 
  • Benchmark your own business continuity management practices with recognized best practice
  • Integrate ISO 22301:2019 with other management system standards
  • You will also be able to inform your organization’s senior management of the requirements of the standard, to help them decide on the next steps to take. 

*Nos formations sont éligibles à la prise en charge par les opérateurs de compétences (OPCO), si vous souhaitez en bénéficier, merci de nous informer lors de votre inscription.

**Veuillez noter que, pour les sessions inter, vous avez jusqu’à 48h avant le début de la session pour vous valider votre inscription. Pour les sessions intra, le délai est de deux semaines avant le début de la session.

***Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, veuillez nous contacter pour procéder à votre inscription : par email à ou par téléphone au 01 80 46 17 91.