BSI certificate profile

BSI certificate profile

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BSI certificate profile
BSI certificate profile
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ISO/IEC 27001:2022

Deloitte, S.L.
Torre Picasso
pl. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 1

Certificate number IS 577850
Scope The Information Security Management System (ISMS) manages the protection of all information associated with the design, development, and delivery of services in Audit & Assurance; Tax & Legal; Strategy, Risk & Transactions; and Technology & Transformation. This is in accordance with the statement of applicability Anexo 1 — SoA V.20.0 30/11/2023. The scope of the ISMS also includes the following additional legal entities: Deloitte Auditores, S.L., Deloitte Advisory, S.L., Deloitte Consulting, S.L.U., Deloitte Strategy, Risk & Transactions, S.L.U., Deloitte Technology & Transformation, S.L.U., Deloitte Engineering Center, S.L.U., Deloitte Abogados y Asesores Tributarios, S.L.U., Deloitte BPS, S.L.U., Deloitte Andorra Auditors i Assessors, S.L.U.
El Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información (SGSI) gestiona la protección de toda la información asociada con el diseño, desarrollo y prestación de los servicios de Audit & Assurance; Tax & Legal; Strategy, Risk & Transactions, y Technology & Transformation. De acuerdo con la declaración de aplicabilidad Anexo 1 — SoA V.20.0 30/11/2023. El alcance del SGSI incluye las siguientes entidades legales: Deloitte Auditores, S.L., Deloitte Advisory, S.L., Deloitte Consulting, S.L.U., Deloitte Strategy, Risk & Transactions, S.L.U., Deloitte Technology & Transformation, S.L.U., Deloitte Engineering Center, S.L.U., Deloitte Abogados y Asesores Tributarios, S.L.U., Deloitte BPS, S.L.U., Deloitte Andorra Auditors i Assessors, S.L.U.
Original registration date Effective date Last revision date Expiry date
Original registration date 2012-03-12 Effective date 2024-03-12 Last revision date 2024-08-02 Expiry date 2027-03-11

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