Workplace Hygiene Training Solutions

Workplace Hygiene Training Title

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Workplace Hygiene Training
Workplace Hygiene Training
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The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed weaknesses in business continuity plans and health and safety management. And as we think about stabilizing and returning to a new normal, it’s a good time to think about how we might all manage better in the future.

In a recent survey of clients, we saw a good degree of confidence that remote working, communications and wellbeing were covered in existing BCM plans. Pandemic response planning and social distancing weren’t so well considered.

  • 60% expect most employees will go back to their workplace when it’s safe to do so

  • 50% expect to see long-term changes in their supply chain

  • 80% plan to increase health and safety measures post-pandemic

To help you manage and develop your recovery plans and rebuild for the ‘new normal’, BSI has developed new training courses to support you:

Workplace hygiene training