SIZA Social Ethical Audits

What is SIZA?


SIZA, the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa, provides the agriculture industry with an ethical standard which supports ethical and sustainable trade. It is a South African standard, developed, owned and operated in South Africa but aligned to global best practices. It is based on the process of continuous improvement and provides a framework for suppliers to achieve compliance in labour conditions in a practical and comprehensive manner, to the benefit of their business and employees.

The SIZA Standard is based on the following 8 principles:

  • Commitment to implementing management systems

  • No forced or bonded labour

  • No child labour

  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining

  • No discrimination, harassment and abuse

  • Health a Safety

  • Working hours

  • Wages, benefits and terms of employment

Contact us

If there's any way we can help, please let us know.