Safety driver

This term is part of the following categories: safety, evaluation and activity/process.

Version 5.0, release date: April 2023

Definition: a person at the controls within an automated vehicle, observing the driving environment, enforcing the operational design domain, recognising challenging situations, detecting deviations from expected behaviour and ready and able to deliver the dynamic driving task when needed in order to preserve safety during development, testing or trial activities, in accordance with the safety case.

Previous versions:

Version: 3.0, release date: October 2020

Definition: safety operator at the controls within an automated vehicle, observing the driving environment, enforcing the operational design domain, recognising challenging situations, detecting deviations from expected behaviour and ready and able to deliver the full function of the dynamic driving task when needed in order to preserve safety during development, testing or trial activities, in accordance with the safety case.

Version: 2.0, release date: June 2020

Definition: safety operator at the controls within an automated vehicle, observing the driving environment, enforcing the operational design domain, recognising challenging situations, detecting deviations from expected behaviour and ready and able to deliver the full function of the dynamic driving task when needed in order to preserve safety during development, testing or trial activities, in accordance with the safety case.

Version: 1.0, release date: January 2020

Definition: human operative at the controls of an automated vehicle, observing the driving environment, recognising challenging situations, detecting deviations from expected behaviour and ready and able to intervene in the dynamic driving task when needed in order to preserve safety.