BSI, supported by the Institute for Manufacturing, has undertaken a roadmapping exercise to establish how best a standards programme can encourage adoption of digital technologies within medicines manufacturing supply chains. This is in response to a number of related initiatives designed to promote innovation within the manufacturing and medicines industries more generally.
This roadmapping exercise identified 5 key recommendations for how standards could accelerate the digital innovation of medicines manufacturing supply chains in the UK:
- Identification of smart factory good practice from other sectors: BSI will establish how manufacturing sectors more advanced in their digitalization journey are using digital technologies in smart factory, product, process, and network design, and codify this as good practice
- Interoperability and architectures: BSI will establish the requirements for interoperability and data and business architectures for the UK medicines manufacturing industry, and will work with other groups working in digital manufacturing interoperability to ensure this is reflected in international standards
- Working with others to integrate patient and manufacturing data: BSI proposes to establish and develop a decision-making framework for data sharing, with input from NHS stakeholders
- Standards strategy for smart medicines packaging: BSI will establish how best to use the domestic, European, and international standards activities to unlock the potential of smart medicines packaging manufacture in the UK
- Adoption and development of existing digital manufacturing activities in the medicines manufacturing supply chains: BSI propose to establish how best to implement this service ethos into the medicines manufacturing sector.
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