BS 50001 Personal Information Management System

BS 50001 Personal Information Management System

Demonstrate your commitment to protecting personal information with BS 10012

Demonstrate your commitment to protecting personal information with BS 10012

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Personal information management
Personal information management
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Protecting personal information has never been so important. As legal requirements such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) are developed and enforced, organizations need to demonstrate that they take managing privacy seriously. And that’s where BS 10012 can help.

Where are you on your personal information management journey?

BSI - 与您一路同行的合作伙伴

100 多年前,我们开创先河,建立标准,如今我们引领市场。我们服务于全球 182 个国家的 8 万多家客户,从全球顶级品牌到雄心勃勃的小企业,帮助他们在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。作为全球名列前茅的标准权威机构,BSI 不仅评估您是否满足标准,还可为您定制新标准,并在全球范围内培训团队使用标准,完善其表现。我们的专业知识,将为您的组织变革提供助力。