Automatic emergency braking (AEB)

This term is part of the following categories: Safety, Sensors and Vehicle system. Version 5.0, released in 2023, does not update the definition of this term.

Version 4.0, Release date: March 2022

Defintion: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the ego vehicle could collide with an object in its path and applies the brakes automatically attempting to mitigate or avoid the collision, even if the driver takes no action.

NOTEAEB systems might use different sensor types (e.g. camera, radar, lidar), work in different driving conditions (e.g. highways, urban) and act on the ego vehicle in different ways (e.g. only slow the vehicle or bring it to a complete stop).


Previous versions:

Version: 3.0, Release date: October 2020

Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the ego vehicle could collide with an object in its path and applies the brakes automatically attempting to mitigate or avoid the collision, even if the driver takes no action.

NOTE: AEB systems may use different sensor types (e.g. camera, radar, lidar), work in different driving conditions (e.g. highways, urban) and act on the ego vehicle in different ways (e.g. only slow the vehicle or bring it to a complete stop).


Version: 2.0, Release date: June 2020

Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the ego vehicle could collide with an object in its path and applies the brakes automatically attempting to mitigate or avoid the collision, even if the driver takes no action.

NOTE: AEB systems may use different sensor types (e.g. camera, radar, lidar), work in different driving conditions (e.g. highways, urban) and act on the ego vehicle in different ways (e.g. only slow the vehicle or bring it to a complete stop).



Version: 1.0, Release date: January 2020

Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the driven vehicle could collide with an object in its path and provides warnings for the human driver before applying the brakes automatically attempting to mitigate or avoid the collision, even if the human driver takes no action.