Improving people skills by understanding behaviours

Having good people skills means maximizing effective and productive interaction to everyone’s benefit at the workplace. Wise managers know that they need a team with strong people skills. Having good people radar is harder to teach than technical skills, but is a requisite for long term, effective leadership.

To improve people skills, an effective way is to understand oneself first. How do you do that?

DISC is a commonly used tool to get to know oneself, and others’ behaviour in interpersonal situations better. You learn more about yourself, and how to deal with others in situations where interpersonal relationships are involved.

This one day training course will help you to understand how different people would be likely to react in a specific team, management or leadership situations, given her or his behaviour style.

How will I benefit?

  • Use the DiSC profile to understand behaviours better
  • Identify your style and explore the priorities that drive you during your workday
  • Identify what works for you and what challenges you when working with each style
  • Use the DiSC model to understand the people you work with

Our experienced tutors have practical application of the subject matter, enabling them to understand and meet your specific industry requirements.