Location profile

Location profile

Red Overlay
Location profile
Location profile
Red Overlay
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Manufacture of pickled & galvanized sheets / strips, colored sheets / strips, strips for automotive appliance, strips for construction, packaging materials for liquid containing

Manufacture of pickled & galvanized sheets / strips, colored sheets / strips, strips for automotive appliance, strips for construction, packaging materials for liquid containing

West of Xiamen Rd., East of Yu Quan Er Rd., South of Gang Cheng Rd. , North of Hua Gong Rd.

LanShan District




People's Republic of China






Site photographs

Main Building

Main Building

Main Entrance

Main Entrance

Packaging Area 1

Packaging Area 1

Packaging Area 2

Packaging Area 2

Production Area 1

Production Area 1

Production Area 2

Production Area 2

Slitting and Cutting Area

Slitting and Cutting Area

Grinding Area

Grinding Area

Material Yard

Material Yard

Finished Goods

Finished Goods


Verified locations