Location profile

Location profile

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Location profile
Location profile
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The provision of the warehousing and customs declaration service

The provision of the warehousing and customs declaration service

Room 318, second phase of Penavico, Shenzhen warehousing

Qianhaiwan Free Trade Port Area

NanShan district




People's Republic of China


0755-2682 2577

0755-2682 2672


Site photographs

Building Overview 1

Building Overview 1

Building Overview 2

Building Overview 2

Office 1

Office 1

Office 2

Office 2

Office 3

Office 3

Office 4

Office 4

Service Counter

Service Counter

Dispatch Area 1

Dispatch Area 1

Dispatch Area 2

Dispatch Area 2

Warehouse 1

Warehouse 1

Warehouse 2

Warehouse 2

Warehouse 3

Warehouse 3


Verified locations