BSI certificate profile

BSI certificate profile

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BSI certificate profile
BSI certificate profile
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ISO/IEC 27001:2022

CV Rumahweb Indonesia
Head Office:
Jl.Sidomulyo No. 6
Kabupaten Sleman
Manukan, Condongcatur, Kecamatan Depok

Certificate number IS 792654
Scope The implementation of information security management system on domain, hosting, cloud services, VPS, email, and SSL provisioning. This is in accordance with the Statement of Applicability No.010/ISO-TIM/RW/III/2023 version 1.0 dated 11 August 2023.
Original registration date Effective date Last revision date Expiry date
Original registration date 2024-01-15 Effective date 2024-01-15 Last revision date 2024-01-15 Expiry date 2027-01-14

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