Verify your qualifications and credentials

Verify your qualifications and credentials

A BSI blockchain-based solution

A BSI blockchain-based solution

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A BSI blockchain-based solution
A BSI blockchain-based solution
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Showcase your achievements through a single trusted interface

Professional training and qualifications add value to your personal brand. Whether it’s to secure a new role, progress your career or simply to boost confidence in your existing skills, professional development makes the difference.

With so many offerings now available in the marketplace, it can be a challenge to demonstrate that your credentials are genuine, up-to-date and from a reputable provider. That’s where a trusted platform, powered by the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph and underlying blockchains, adds value – verifying your training and qualifications certificates.

Benefits of BSI’s solution to verify your credentials

  • Trusted single source of information
  • Clearly visible certificate duration
  • Easy to share with stakeholders and future employers
  • Secure platform powered by OriginTrail blockchain-based technology ensuring an immutable source of data that cannot be modified

Three easy steps