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Location profile
Location profile
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Jl. Siliwangi No. 32G, Nogotirto

Kecamatan Gamping

Kabupaten Sleman



Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number IS 804424 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Start date 2024-05-03 Expiry date 2027-05-02
The information security management systems in the provision of customer application for internet service provider services. This is in accordance with Statement of Applicability No. MI-GMEDIA-L03 Revision 00 dated 1 November 2023
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number FS 804445 Standard/scheme number or name ISO 9001:2015 Start date 2024-04-18 Expiry date 2027-04-17
The Provision of Internet Service Provider, Development of Digital Products and Cloud Services
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number OHS 804446 Standard/scheme number or name ISO 45001:2018 Start date 2024-04-18 Expiry date 2027-04-17
The provision of installation and maintenance for internet service provider including daily activities in GMEDIA office location

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