Implementing PAS 99 Integrated Management Systems

Integrating your management systems could not be simpler. PAS 99 can be adapted to suit any organization with any combination of certified management systems including:

And when you work with us, we’ll help you design and build a PAS 99 framework that’s the perfect fit for your business and your management systems, whatever they may be. 

Are you ready for PAS 99?

The combination of certified management systems you have in place is unique to your business. And we understand that you use each system in a different way to many other companies. That’s why we can help you adapt PAS 99 to your exact needs. We offer customized packages that are as unique as your mix of management systems. And your PAS 99 package could include a specific selection of services designed to integrate these systems – cutting out the cost of unnecessary products and overcoming the particular management challenges you may face. We’ll help you design a PAS 99 Project Plan to guide you through implementation step by step – all the way to certification. 

PAS 99 Training

We use accelerated learning techniques to make sure you fully understand integrated management systems. And we put your learning into context with a blend of classroom teaching, workshops and interactive sessions. We can also bring our training to you with our in-house courses.

Perché scegliere BSI?

Siamo stati pionieri nella definizione degli standard più di 100 anni fa e oggi siamo leader del mercato. Aiutiamo oltre 80.000 clienti, dai grandi marchi internazionali alle piccole imprese, in 182 paesi in tutto il mondo, ad ottenere un vantaggio rispetto alla loro concorrenza. Siamo tra le poche organizzazioni che comprendono gli standard dall'inizio alla fine: non solo valutiamo quanto le aziende siano vicine alla conformità, ma creiamo nuovi standard partendo da zero e formiamo persone in tutto il mondo perché li applichino al meglio. La nostra esperienza e conoscenza può trasformare la tua azienda.