BSI Board

Dr John Hirst CBE

Dr John Hirst CBE

Presidente (A, Chair, N, S)

John Hirst was appointed to the Board in October 2018 as Non-Executive Director and became Chairman in January 2019. John has a wealth of experience leading and transforming complex organizations. His early career was with ICI, beginning in finance before progressing into various leadership roles and serving on the group executive team as Chief Executive of the speciality chemicals division. Then he became Group Chief Executive of Premier Farnell, a FTSE 250 electronics distribution company, and in 2007 he joined the UK’s Met Office as Chief Executive until 2014. Other appointments: John is Chairman of NOC (National Oceanography Centre), Chairman of Anglian Water Services and a Non-Executive Director of Marsh Limited. 

Susan Taylor Martin

Susan Taylor Martin

Diretor Executivo (N, S)

Susan has led a range of information, publishing and software businesses, first at Reuters and then at Thomson Reuters. Most recently she served as President of its Global Legal Business, based in New York, where she led the transformation of its online information service into an AI-enabled suite of digital and SaaS offerings. She has experience of the consumer, leisure and hospitality sector, as an independent non-executive director of Whitbread plc since 2012 and is a former Chair of the London Council of the Confederation of British Industry.

Sara Dickinson

Sara Dickinson

Diretor Financeiro e Diretor Executivo

Sara foi nomeada e ingressou no Conselho em janeiro de 2022. Sara tem mais de 25 anos de experiência financeira, bem como conhecimento significativo de expansão de negócios B2B e transformação digital, mais recentemente como vice-presidente sênior de finanças responsável por funções de finanças corporativas na Expedia Group Inc, uma empresa global de tecnologia de viagens, e como Diretora Financeira da Expedia Partner Solutions, a divisão mundial de B2B dentro da Expedia por quatro anos antes disso. Sara assumiu vários papéis financeiros, incluindo Commercial Finance & FP&A Director na Costa Coffee, Group Financial Controller for Sage Group PLC e Vice-Presidente e CFO Europeu da Orbitz WorldWide Inc.

Outras nomeações do Conselho

Diretor não executivo e Presidente do Comitê de Auditoria do Aptitude Software Group PLC.

Dr Scott Steedman CBE FREng

Dr Scott Steedman CBE FREng

Director-General, Standards (S, SP)

Skills and experience
Dr Scott Steedman joined the Group in January 2012 and was appointed to the Board in October 2012. An engineer by profession, he started his career as a Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Cambridge before moving to industry where he spent over 20 years as a consultant working in the built environment sector. He was a Non-Executive Board Member of the Port of London Authority from 2009 to 2015 and served as Vice-President (Policy) for the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) from 2013 to 2017 and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) from 2017 to 2021.

Other appointments

Dame Polly Courtice

Dame Polly Courtice

Non-Executive Director (S,N)

Skills and experience

Polly Courtice joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director on 1 September 2022 having been, since June 2020, a Board Advisor. Polly was Founder Director of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (1988-2021) and has been the recipient of numerous awards for her contribution to sustainability. She is Senior Independent Director on the Board of Anglian Water Services Limited and is a member of its Nomination and Remuneration Committees. She is a member of the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. She is a sustainability Advisor to Terra Firma Capital Ltd, a member of the judging panel for the King’s Award for Sustainable Development, and a Trustee of Cambridge Past, Present and Future, a local charity dedicated to protecting and enhancing the Cambridge area and its green landscapes.

Other appointments

Polly is Chair of the Faculty Board of Engineering, University of Cambridge, and is a Deputy Lieutenant for Cambridgeshire.

Douglas Hurt

Douglas Hurt

Diretor Não-Executivo (Chair A, N, R)

Douglas Hurt entrou para o Conselho em novembro de 2015 como Diretor Não-Executivo. Douglas começou sua carreira na PricewaterhouseCoopers, onde se qualificou como Revisor Oficial de Contas. A partir daí, ele se juntou ao GlaxoSmithKline Group, onde ocupou vários cargos importantes, incluindo o diretor administrativo da Glaxo Wellcome UK. Em 2006, ingressou na IMI PLC e foi Diretor Financeiro do Grupo até fevereiro de 2015. Atualmente, é Diretor Independente Sênior e Presidente do Comitê de Auditoria da Tate & Lyle PLC, da Vesuvius PLC e da Countryside Properties PLC.

Ian Lobley

Ian Lobley

Senior Independent Director (S, A, N,)

Skills and experience
Ian Lobley joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director in May 2019. Ian is a Managing Partner at 3i Group PLC, the FTSE 100 international investor. With over 30 years of experience in private equity, he has been an active investor in and board member of portfolio companies in many countries and sectors. He graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Birmingham and, prior to 3i, worked as an engineer for BOC Speciality Gases.

Other appointments
Ian is a Non-Executive Director of AES Engineering, Tato Holdings, Audley Travel and Cirtec Medical within 3i Group’s global portfolio.

Dr Stephen Page

Dr Stephen Page

Diretor Não-Executivo (N, R, SP, S)

Stephen Page entrou na diretoria em setembro de 2015 como diretor não executivo. Stephen tem uma vasta experiência em riscos e oportunidades da era digital, assim como riscos corporativos, como segurança cibernética e contra-terrorismo. Na Accenture, ele ocupou cargos de liderança na Europa e no mundo, incluindo o Diretor Geral mundial, Eficácia Estratégica de TI. Nos últimos onze anos, ele ocupou uma carteira de cargos de diretoria e assessoria sênior. Atualmente, é diretor não executivo do TSB Banking Group PLC, da Nominet UK e da British Library.

Alison Wood

Alison Wood

Board Advisor (A, N, R)

Skills and experience
In September 2023, Alison Wood stepped down from the Board after nine years as a Non-Executive Director and was appointed as Board Advisor. She spent nearly 20 years at BAE Systems plc in a number of strategy and leadership roles, including that of Group Strategic Director, and was the Global Director of Strategy and Corporate Development at National Grid PLC from 2008 to 2013. She has held Non-Executive Director positions with BTG PLC, Thus Group PLC, e2v PLC and Cobham PLC.

Other appointments
Alison is a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee at TT Electronics PLC, Capricorn Energy PLC and Oxford Instruments PLC.