Getting started with BS 11000 Collaborative Business Relationships

Build and benefit from partnerships that do nothing but add value to your business. The BS 11000 standard gives you the knowhow to get the most from collaborative working – making sure you benefit from shared resources, costs, opportunities and contacts. Whatever the size or nature of your business, BS 11000 gives your business a bigger impact with bigger benefits. 

What is BS 11000 Collaborative Business Relationships?

BS 11000 allows you to collaborate successfully. It outlines different approaches to collaborative working that have proven to be successful in businesses of all sizes and sectors. BS 11000 shows you how to eliminate the known pitfalls of poor communication by defining roles and responsibilities, and creating partnerships that do nothing but add value to your business. 

What are the benefits of BS 11000 Collaborative Business Relationships?

  • Collaborate successfully with your chosen partners
  • Create a neutral platform for mutual benefit with business partners
  • Define roles and responsibilities to improve decision making processes
  • Share cost, risks, resources and responsibilities
  • Provide staff with wider training opportunities  
  • Build better relationships that lead to improved results 

Training courses to get you started in BS 11000

Collaborative business relationships can be adapted to organizations of all sizes and sectors. And our training is designed for all levels of experience.

Perché scegliere BSI?

Siamo stati pionieri nella definizione degli standard più di 100 anni fa e oggi siamo leader del mercato. Aiutiamo oltre 80.000 clienti, dai grandi marchi internazionali alle piccole imprese, in 182 paesi in tutto il mondo, ad ottenere un vantaggio rispetto alla loro concorrenza. Siamo tra le poche organizzazioni che comprendono gli standard dall'inizio alla fine: non solo valutiamo quanto le aziende siano vicine alla conformità, ma creiamo nuovi standard partendo da zero e formiamo persone in tutto il mondo perché li applichino al meglio. La nostra esperienza e conoscenza può trasformare la tua azienda.

Course resources

Course Guide (PDF)