EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
Introducing EMAS
Introducing EMAS

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary EU initiative designed to improve your company's environmental performance. EMAS acknowledges organizations that improve their environmental performance on a continuous basis.
What is EMAS?
To achieve EMAS, organizations need to be legally compliant, run an environmental management system and report on their environmental performance through the publication of an independently verified (by a third party like BSI) environmental statement.
EMAS participation is available to any organization with environmental impacts, no matter how large or small and regardless of the activity undertaken, and can cover multiple sites within a single EU country.
We can verify you
If you are located in the EU, we can help you toward the registration of your EMAS statement through our verification and validation services.
We are independently accredited by UKAS (the UK accreditation body for EMAS) to deliver EMAS verification and will:
- verify that your company meets the requirements of the EMAS regulation
- validate your environmental statement
- assess the environmental management system and internal audit programme, whether or not a registration to ISO 14001 is in place
Verification ensures that the environmental statement that is intended to be made publicly available is an accurate and fair presentation of your organization's
Once your environmental statement has been verified, you will be able to register with the EMAS National Competent Body, a list of which can be found on the europa website.