BS ISO 30408 Human Resource Management. Guidelines on Human Governance

People are at the heart of every organization. For an organization to achieve long-term sustainable success, it is important to consider all stakeholders within the governance system.

ISO 30408:2016 provides guidelines on tools, processes, and practices to be put in place in order to establish, maintain, and continually improve effective human governance within organizations.

All organizations have governance. Governance refers to the system by which organizations are directed, controlled, and held accountably. Governance defines rules, systems, processes, and behaviour. To be effective, a governance system needs to consider the whole organization in all of its dimensions. Effective governance promotes confidence in both present and future stakeholders (employees, investors, shareholders, customers, and other interested parties) in the long-term viability of the organization. Effective governance contributes to strategic decision-making by creating responsible, accountable, well-managed, and value-focused organizations.