Bringing your people with you

Bringing your people with you

An interview with Sally Swingewood

Lead Standards Development Manager, BSI

An interview with Sally Swingewood

Lead Standards Development Manager, BSI

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Sally Swingewood, Lead Standards Development Manager, BSI
Sally Swingewood, Lead Standards Development Manager, BSI
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Power your organization’s performance through worker consultation and participation

To be a successful and resilient organization, it is vitally important to involve all your workers in the discussions and decision-making around issues that affect them. Your people can provide useful expertise and insight in a host of areas, from occupational health and safety to diversity and inclusion.

Put simply, consultation and participation enhance engagement, which is crucial for productivity and loyalty. Greater engagement can also improve customer service, innovation and brand reputation.

In our series of in-depth psychological well-being interviews, Sally Swingewood, Lead Standards Development Manager at BSI, explains what consultation and participation mean, why they are is so important, and how you can ensure they take place in your organization.

To find out more about what consultation and participation best practice looks like, read the full interview here.