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Standards Governance

The development process for British Standards and other standardization products is governed by several key governance and policy documents. The governance documents set out the principles for the development of each type of standard and the principal features of the process by which they are developed. The governance documents and links to the policy documents are given below.

Governance documents



Other resources

Standard drafting rules

Rules for the structure and drafting of UK standards  
Style guide for British Standards 
Style guide for PAS standards  
Style guide for BSI Flex standards  
Glossary of standardization terms supplementary to BS 0

International and European standardization documents

ISO/IEC Directives
CEN/CENELEC Regulations

Guides for standards developers

There are a number of free guidance documents published by the international and European standards bodies to help standards developers take account of particular topics in their work, some of which are cited in BS 0.

The full range of free CEN Guides are available here.

Guidance on the development of British Standards of UK origin

Drafting a British Standard – Working with your editorial project manager

Guidance on the development of PAS standards

Guide to participating in the development of a PAS

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