An equilibrium between workplace effort and reward

An equilibrium between workplace effort and reward

An interview with Gary Knight, HR department director, BSI

An interview with Gary Knight, HR department director, BSI

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An equilibrium between workplace effort and reward
An equilibrium between workplace effort and reward
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Retaining talent for the post-pandemic world

The world is at a tipping point in terms of the dual influences of workplace effort and reward. Workers are poised to reject high effort, low reward jobs along with the associated negative impacts on employees’ psychological health, safety and well-being.

This interview with Gary Knight, HR department director, focuses on the need to reach an equilibrium between remuneration/reward and its role in unlocking motivation and effort, if organizations are to avoid a 21st century brain-drain driven by the pandora’s box effect of COVID-19.

Retaining talent in the 2020s and beyond will require a massive mindset shift away from the transactional and towards the relational, as many individuals redefine what they want from the world of work in the post-pandemic era. Organizations that create an imbalance of effort and reward – however unwittingly – risk stress, adverse health effects and the potential loss of valuable people.

In the interview, Gary highlights the latest trends in employee attitudes including the idea that reward is not simply financial.