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Entrez le nom de la societe ou le numero de certificat. Resultats limites a 50 enregistrements.

16 rue de la Planchonnais




Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number IS 733297 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Start date 2021-07-07 Expiry date 2024-07-06
Securing of the information hosted on HDS information systems managed by Niwanet for its Customers.
Sécurisation de l'information hébergée sur les systèmes d'information HDS managée par Niwanet pour ses Clients.
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number HDS 733298 Standard/scheme number or name HDS:2018 Start date 2021-07-07 Expiry date 2024-07-06
Provision of virtual infrastructure, provision of software platform, administration / operation and outsourced backup according to the categories of outsourced hosting providers: 3. Provision and maintenance in operational condition of the information system application hosting platform. 4. Provision and maintenance in operational condition of the virtual infrastructure of the information system used for processing health data. 5. Administration and operation of the information system containing health data. 6. Outsourced health data backups. In accordance with the statement of Applicability v1.1 dated 13/06/2022. The organization is certified according to ISO 27001:2013.

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