Smart cities

Smart cities

Find more information about our strategy and current standards portfolio             

Find more information about our strategy and current standards portfolio             

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Smart cities
Smart cities
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The challenge

Cities and their delivery partners face complex choices about what type of future they are seeking to create in order to meet aspirations of their citizens. Different cities will have different visions, reflecting the needs and circumstances of their populations and economic activities. Strain on traditional service delivery from increasing populations poses a significant challenge to the sustainable growth of cities. Managing physical resources, such as energy or water as well as managing healthcare, traffic and city logistics, among others, is a major challenge that cities need to address to ensure sustainable growth in the future. ‘Smart city’ standards provide city leadership with new tools and opportunities for effective change that can help them meet these challenges.

The role for standards 

Subsequently, smart & sustainable city standards are being written through BSI to reflect the identified needs of our stakeholders, addressing urban challenges and creating common markets. Through standards, cities can provide the right conditions for open innovation and reduce barriers to systems integration. They enable collaboration and an open ecosystem for city partnerships resulting in productivity increase and service transformation in our future cities.

SDS/2 Smart and sustainable cities and communities

The Cities Standards Institute

Background to BSI work